One thing I learned when I started using coupons was to get coupons from the blinkies in the store even if you don’t use them right away. About a month ago Farmer Johns hot dogs had a blinkie machine so I grabbed 3 coupons. The price was too high to purchase them that day but I figured they would go on sale eventually. This week they went on sale for a good deal and so I got the hot dogs super cheap.
9 Pillsbury cinnamon rolls & crescent rolls (Reg. $2.79, Sale 3/$5 - .30Q tripled to .90 = .77 each)
3 Farmer Johns Hot Dogs (Reg. $3.99, Sale $1 - .75Q = .25 each)
Honey Nut Cheerios (Reg. $4.39, Sale $3.49 – Free coupon = FREE)
Pet Pride Dog Food (Reg. $15.99, Sale $13.99)
Luckily we didn’t need anything major other then dog food so the trip was really fast. I spent $22.70 and saved $36.62 which is 62%.