
Monday, November 7, 2011

Menu Plan- November 6th - 12th

I have been slacking on grocery shopping and cooking.  So much so that my husband asked me to please go shopping and make a meal plan.  Everytime I come up with something to cook we are missing 1-2 items, which leads to us eating out.  I decided to make things easy on myself this week and use my slow cooker for the majority of our meals.  My hope is that the meals will allow enough leftovers for him to take to lunch the following day.  He is getting really tired of peanut butter sandwiches.

Butternut Squash Soup & Rolls (from freezer)
Orange Chicken, Rice & Broccoli
Chili & Corn Bread
Chicken & Artichoke, Salad
Lasagna, Salad
Chicken & Dressing, Veggie
Eat Out

Now if I can just stick to my plan it will be a tasty week.

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