
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Walgreens Trip February 5th

Total Spent $10.91 + tax
Total Saved $36.90
It has been a long time since I did some serious coupon shopping.  So long in fact that I am about to pay for deodorant.  I haven't done that in years so it has gave me the push I needed to get back into my couponing routine.  I took my almost 6 year old son with me to push the cart teach him the ropes.

I started with $5 register rewards (RR's) from some medicine I bought last week.  To help with the out of pocket (OOP) cost I broke my trip up into two transactions.

Transaction #1:
1 St Josephs Aspirin ($2, Earn $2 RR)
1 Wet Synergy Lubricant ($10 - $1Q = $9, Earn $10 RR)

I paid with my $5 RR and $6.93 ($6 + .93 tax) OOP.  I earned $2 and $10 RR.

Transaction #2:
1 Mentos gum ($.99 - .55Q = .44)
1 Sundown D3 Vitamins ($4 - $1Q = $3, submit for $4 rebate)
2 Colgate Toothpaste ($3 - .50Q = $2.50, Earn $4 RR)
1 Sheets Energy Strips ($3.99, Earn $4 RR)
1 Reach Toothbrush ($2.99, Earn $2 RR)
1 Aqua Fresh Kids Toothpaste ($2.79 - $1.80 Wags Q = $.99)

I paid with the $10 and $2 RR from transaction #1 and $6.30 ($4.91 + $1.39 tax) OOP.  I earned $4, $2, and $4 RR and will submit for $4 rebate.
After all is said and done I paid $4.23 for $47.76 worth of stuff.

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