Today I am sharing a craft we did at our Cub Scouts den meeting. It took a little prep work but the boys enjoyed it and it helped them practice their writing and spelling.
You will need:
2 paper bowls
toilet paper roll
orange paint
construction paper-black, brown and various colors for the wings
a little black container like you use for to go dressing
googly eyes
red balloon
push pin
Glue the opening of the two bowls together. This should make it kind of like a circle.
Paint the bowls and the toilet paper roll orange. Once dry glue the tp roll to the bowls.
Trace around your child's hand and cut out. Glue to the bottom of the tp roll.
Cut out various colors of construction paper to make the feathers. Have them write things they are thankful for on each feather. You can use as many or as few feathers as you want. Turn the feather over and tape a toothpick to the back so it is sticking out the bottom. This is what you will use to stick into the bowl. We used a push pin and made the little holes on the back bowl and then stuck the toothpicks in.
Glue googly eyes on to the front of the tp roll. Cut the top of the red balloon off and then glue on as the wattle. Cut triangles out of yellow construction paper for the beak and glue on.
To make the hat cut a circle out of black construction paper and glue on the black container. The glue the black circle to the top of the tp roll.
That's it! It doesn't stand up well so we just lean it against something. It is really cute and my son is very proud of it. I am sure it is something he will choose to keep and get out again next year.
Hope you had a great Saturday and we will be back tomorrow with Day 6 of our Thanksgiving countdown.

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