Our elf, Jingle, showed up 4 days ago. My boys have been so excited ever since. This morning we found them at 4 am with flashlights trying to find Jingle. They were quickly put back to bed.
This is the 3rd year Jingle has visited us. It is one of the traditions we look forward to the most. We love seeing the crazy stunts our elf pulls.
The first day we woke to Jingle hanging on the boys Santa picture. He had brought along his book and left us a note in Scrabble tiles. My oldest son wrapped a toy for Jingle and left a note asking, "Do you make presents Jingle?"
The next morning we found Jingle zip lining from our ceiling fan to the window. He had left a note answering my sons question and thanking him for the gift.
Jingle was then found helping my husband make coffee.
My boys made a Lego tower for Jingle to play on. This morning we found Jingle sitting at the top.
I wonder what crazy tricks Jingle will pull next?
Do you do Elf on the Shelf?

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